Is Anger stopping you from getting what you want?

We all know someone who is always happy and optimistic that only good things can come their way.  Perhaps you have found yourself thinking ‘well no wonder they’re always happy.  They get everything they want.’

It could be that they have been very fortunate in having a happy childhood with parents who have conditioned them by their constant conversation that they are a lucky person, and life will bring them everything they desire. So they’ve grown up with a strong belief that they can easily get what they want.

The Law of Attraction supports this confident, happy feeling and hey presto, they have even more great things manifesting in their life to support their belief that they are in fact lucky and supported by the universe.

Check Your Resentment Levels

One sure way to find out how you’re doing at maintaining a good feeling level is how you react when someone tells you about something fantastic that has happened in their life.  Do you feel excited and happy for them?  Or do you feel resentful and even a little jealous or angry that they have something you would like and don’t have.

These are the feelings you have to watch if you want to attract positive things into your life.

What You Put Your Attention on Grows

The more angry and resentful you feel, the more the Law of Attraction will present you with more things to feel angry and resentful about.

It’s a universal law that whatever we focus on the most is more often than not what we eventually draw into our lives.  So why spend time thinking about things that don’t make you feel good.  Even if it feels a little strange, imagine that the thing you would like to happen has already come to you.  Explore every avenue of how you are feeling about now having it.  How happy and safe and relieved you feel.  Think about it every time you begin to feel a negative mood coming on.

If you do this for long enough, you will be amazed at how your life will begin to change in a positive direction to reflect your change in feeling level.  Even if you have to fake it at first, it’s better than wasting time pondering over something negative, or feeling afraid that something bad is coming your way.

If you find this hard to do at first, say some gratitude statements:

Be grateful for things you may be taking for granted.



‘I am so grateful for the beautiful flowers that are given to me for my enjoyment every day.’



Flowers can heal us by their colour as well as their essence and aroma.

Get a Little Help from the Flowers

Sometimes we just need a little outside help to uplift our mood. There are many flower essences that can help to permanently shift feelings of anger and resentment.

Willow is one of Dr. Bach’s flower remedies that helps people to overcome sulky, angry and resentful feelings.  Gorse is a Bach Flower remedy that will shift feelings of extreme hopelessness and Gentian helps those who become very easily discouraged.  A combination of all three is helpful.

Try putting four drops of a combination bottle into your daily drinking water and sipping on it throughout the day.*  Flower Essences work in a very subtle way to shift emotional blockages, even very deep rooted ones, but you do need to take then regularly and once you notice your mood has permanently shifted stop taking the essence.

Meditation and getting into nature will uplift your feelings

Learn to Meditate

A good meditation technique if practiced regularly will greatly reduce any build up of stress in your mind, body and emotions, and help you to connect with that place deep within yourself where there is lasting peace and happiness.

Transcendental Meditation or TM® as it is more commonly known, is a simple and effective technique that is practiced by millions of people of all religions, and no religion, all over the world.

It’s not difficult to do and can be done anywhere that you can comfortably sit down without being disturbed. Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, who introduced TM® to the West, said ‘If you can think, you can meditate.’

It has a solid backing of well over 500 scientific research studies, published in peer reviewed journals that clearly demonstrate its many benefits and positive effect on human health and well being.

But there are many ways to cross the river and its important to find a meditation technique that you feel is right for you.  Just make sure you don’t cross the river with your feet in two boats. You don’t want to fall through the crack in the middle!

One thing is for sure, whatever you do to reach it, once you can maintain a good positive feeling level, good things can’t help but come to you.  And once this starts to happen it will be so much easier to believe that more good things can come your way, and before you know it, you’ll be on a roll.

It’s a universal law, that what you put your attention on grows, so why not put your attention on feeling good.  Try saying the following statement whenever you feel an angry or resentful feeling creeping in.  It really helps.

‘I release my feelings of anger and resentment to the light’


* see disclaimer




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