Can Colours Heal our Emotions?

We are drawn to absorb particular colours because they have properties that can heal us

Sometimes we just want to be still and absorb a particular colour

Have you ever been strongly drawn to a particular colour and you’ve no idea why? Perhaps you’ve felt the need to just sit quietly by the ocean to take in the beautiful torquoise blue.

Or may be you’ve been drawn to relax in some green grass under a shady tree and drink in the refreshing new spring green colour of the foliage.

And was there ever a day when you felt utterly exhausted and on impulse bought something bright red to wear? You may not have consciously decided that these colours would help to improve your mood or to heal you in some other way, but may be you noticed that you felt a whole lot better afterwards.

The Colours in Nature

Colour has been used for centuries to balance the mind, body and emotions.  The colours we choose to wear and have around us in the home convey a subtle message to everyone we meet about the kind of person we are. We instinctively know that someone who loves to wear bright red, is likely to be an extrovert.  Or a person who is crazy about purple is into spirituality.

Think of nature’s colour choice in painting our world. The soothing and healing green of the grass and the forests.  The peaceful blue of the ocean.  The cheerful yellow of the sun.  And how hard would it to remain angry if you were gazing at the delicate pink and soft violet shades of a magnificent sunrise or all the colours in a rainbow.

Our moods and feelings can be greatly uplifted by the colours we see in nature.

Mankind has been drawing on these properties inherent in particular colours for centuries to inspire and to stimulate certain emotional responses in people.

Think of how fashion designers use colour to persuade us to buy a particular garment. Or how manufacturers suck us into buying their products by the colours they’ve chosen in the packaging.

When we buy a painting, a piece of jewelery or an ornament, colour would have played a huge part in what we chose.  Some people have even been known to buy a house because they liked the colour on the walls.

What is Colour?

When light is broken into wave lengths it forms different colours that each vibrate at their own level.  Black is the result of all colours together where nothing is reflected back. And white results when all colours are reflected back. Each colour vibrates at either a high or low level leaving us feeling cool or warm. Colours can make us feel energised, calm, peaceful, passionate, spiritual, intellectually stimulated, happy or balanced depending on the colour.

The Colours in our Bodies

According to Eastern philosophy our bodies have seven crucial wheels of energy known as Chakras that are at strategic points from the base of our spine to the top of our head and that govern all our organs. These chakras work together independently but also as one system.  Each Chakra is a particular colour reflecting the area it governs.

How Colour is Used in Healing

I’m only covering the primary colours here but every colour has its own unique properties that can help to bring about a balance in our mind, body and emotions.  Exploring what these properties are can be magical as it begins to dawn on us the deeper reasons why we may have chosen that soft green for our bedroom walls, or a bright red for the kitchen.

There are many different ways to work with colours. We can breathe in or visualise certain colours in meditation. We can work with special coloured lights. We can select our own personal two coloured Equilibrium Balance bottle from 105 different coloured bottles as in Aura Soma. We can choose to wear certain colours and paint the walls of our homes in such a way that it will bring about a greater sense of well being and a balance in our bodies. We can even choose to eat foods of particular colours at certain times of the day to improve our digestion.

Colours can be used to calm us down, provide more energy, stimulate our senses, regenerate our organs and cells, improve our appetite and love life,  even open us to a deeper desire for spiritual growth, or to a more positive and joyous frame of mind.

And the right choice of colour can assist us in clearing negative emotional states such as fear, hate, jealousy, anger or grief.

The Properties of the Primary Colours

We may choose a particular colour because subconsciously we know what’s good for us.  But if we begin to understand that every colour has its own unique vibration that can help us in different ways, we have an even greater chance of surrounding ourselves in colours that will provide the maximum benefit for healing our mind, body and emotions.

A Red rose for love and passion


RED is a warm energising and revitalising colour.  It’s interesting that it’s the colour nature chose for our blood.

Red is also about assertiveness, courage, leadership, determination and confidence. You’ll often see extroverts wearing something red.


It is also associated with passion which is an emotion full of energy. What woman doesn’t want to receive a red rose or a heart shaped chocolate wrapped in red paper on Valentine’s day?

Red is also known to improve appetite.  The next time you go to a flash restaurant, have a look around at how much red is in the room.  You may find the napkins are also red for a very good reason. Red can be useful when we are exhausted, or worried and it can help to raise blood pressure and improve blood circulation.

Orange helps to stimulate the mind


ORANGE is a warm colour and can stimulate mental and physical energy. It is a happy colour so can uplift the senses and is also a colour chosen by extroverts.

It helps with mental expansion, enthusiasm, independence, creativity and open mindedness and can help to balance the mind, body and emotions.

Orange can also be helpful if you are suffering from bronchitis or asthma or kidney problems.  It may also be useful for spasms and cramps in the muscles.

Yellow for joy

The colour yellow is cheerful and promotes a feeling of joy and contentment


YELLOW is a lively, warm and stimulating colour that improves your confidence, good humour and mind.  It promotes a feeling of optimism, happiness and positivity and improves communication and expression.

Just think about how much joy we feel when we can see the sun. Yellow may help with conditions of depression and anxiety, stomach troubles, constipation and for skin and liver problems.



The colour green is refreshing and calming for the mind, body and emotions.

The colour green refreshes and calms the mind, body and emotions

GREEN is a balancing, harmonising and healing colour.  Think how much green there is in nature, and when we’re surrounded by it we feel relaxed and refreshed.

Green is soothing and calming to the body, mind and emotions. It helps to bring about a more patient disposition and a sense of orderliness.

This colour is also about self love and nurture of the self.  Green may be helpful for high blood pressure, insomnia, muscle tension and disorders of the nervous system. It can also help with feelings of jealousy and indifference.

BLUE is about communication, inner peace and tranquility and a feeling of relaxation. Perhaps this is one reason why we are so drawn to be by the ocean because its colour makes us feel so good.

Blue calms the nerves and the mind and helps us to feel more at peace with our world.  It can also help us to grow spiritually by assisting us to understand ourselves better and become more of a seeker of the truth.  Blue is uplifting on a spiritual level and helps one to expand and evolve further into self-understanding and development.

Blue will calm the emotions and invoke a feeling of peace and tranquillity

Blue is a colour that promotes a feeling of inner peace and calm.


Blue may be useful for nausea, sore eyes, earaches, infections and inflammations,  and even for a sore throat. And it helps with speech and self expression, and helps us to have a sense of purpose.



INDIGO stimulates love, beauty, harmony, balance, intuition and understanding of ourselves.  It can help to dissolve frustrations, inhibitions and fears and assist us to be more loving in order to grow more in a spiritual direction.

The use of colours in healing the mind, body and emotions.

Violet is a colour that can promote a greater interest in spiritual development.


VIOLET encourages us to become seekers about why we are here and is about perfection and ideals and spiritual goals.  If we surround ourselves with this colour we may begin to feel the need to learn about the forces that are influencing our lives and our circumstances.

Colours for Healing Negative Emotions

Colour can be used in a variety of ways to improve the health of our mind, body and emotions.  When used correctly colour can definitely help to clear negative emotional states.

Each colour has a set of both positive and negative attributes so it’s important to have a good understanding of the vibrational properties of the colours and to choose wisely. If you’re not sure about this it’s always best to consult a professional colour therapist who can work with you to determine what would benefit you the most.

One way that colour may improve your overall health and well being is to meditate with particular colours.

Choosing Colours For Your Home

The best way to plan out a colour scheme in the home is to think about the purpose of each room and whether the colour you are considering is an energising warm colour such as red, orange and yellow, or a cooling calming colour such as blue, green or violet. It makes sense that warm energising colours would be better in a kitchen, a playroom or bathroom, than in a bedroom where they could interfere with your ability to drift off to sleep easily. Whereas a soft green, blue or violet would be better in the bedroom or your main living space where you want to feel calm and relaxed.

Colour and Nutrition

If you begin to think about colour and its effect on your energy levels, you will also get a good idea of what foods may be most beneficial for you.

Again think of reds, yellows and orange coloured foods for increasing vitality and energy, and stimulating the intellect, and green, blue and violet foods for relaxing and calming you down.

Finding a Colour Therapist Near You

There are many different ways to work with colours and every Colour Therapist will have their own way they like to work with the colours.  Sdifferent therapists choose different so by visiting a qualified Colour Therapist you will be able to decide  only way you can be really sure you are choosing the very best colours to work with is to go and see a qualified professional Colour Therapist.  They can also give you a variety of options on how to work with the colours and monitor your progress.

Click here if you’re in Australia for a Colour Therapist closest to where you live. For the rest of the world click here.

The Healing Sounds of Colour

It may not be possible for us to audibly perceive the sounds that colours produce, but each colour does have it’s own unique sound property that can be measured and the sound that emanates has it’s own unique ability to heal. The energy wheels in our bodies known as Chakras can get out of balance and this can result in minor, or in some cases even major health problems.  There are certain sounds that can re-balance these colourful chakras. Click here to learn more about this. Check out this video called The Healing Sounds of Colour. Here’s another interesting video called Sacred Sound Alchemy for DNA Repair and Healing. And a video on awakening intuition.


I am surrounding myself in colours that perfectly balance my mind, body and emotions.


The information contained here is for educational purposes only and should not be used for diagnosis or to guide treatment without the opinion of a health professional. Anyone reading this who is concerned about his or her health should contact a doctor for advice.


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