Are Your Fears Sabotaging Your Success?

Let’s suppose you want to be a successful song writer.  You’ve received encouragement from people in the music profession that you have definitely got talent and should keep pursuing this career.  You’ve worked incredibly hard at writing a large number of original songs and you’ve been affirming your success with positive affirmations. But the rejections keep coming.

How Do You Know if You’re Blocking Your Success?

Imagine that your desire is fulfilled and then examine how you truly feel about this.  Are you really excited?  Do you feel completely comfortable with achieving this goal? Or is there some underlying negative feeling you can’t quite place that is dampening your excitement?

If you don’t feel 100% excited at the prospect of achieving your desire it could be that you have an underlying fear associated with this that is blocking you from achieving your goal. The universe cannot bring you what you desire if you are not absolutely clear that this is what you truly want.

Addressing the Blockage to Your Success

So if you think there may be something blocking your success imagine that you have achieved what you’ve asked for and then ask yourself what it is that you are afraid might happen as a result of achieving this goal. Be absolutely honest with yourself.  When you discover what it is ask yourself the question ‘What is the worse thing that could happen?’ You may discover that whatever it is that you’re afraid of is not such a big deal after all and is something you could easily handle if you just think it through a bit. Then try imagining yourself achieving your goal again and see how you feel.  If you have successfully worked through your fear you should now feel much happier about achieving your goal and you can go back to affirming your success.

Yellow for joy

The colour yellow is cheerful and promotes a feeling of joy and contentment


I now release this fear I have of ….. to the light

I am absolutely clear about what I desire

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Why Hasn’t My Soulmate Come?

Are you one of those people who have read all the books on positive thinking and ‘The Law of Attraction’?  You’ve written down everything you would like in a partner and you’ve said positive affirmations and done your best to feel the person is already with you.  But all that has manifested are people you don’t find that appealing.  What is going on?

A Red rose for love and passion

Matching Your Vibration

In Esther and Jerry Hicks new book ‘The Vortex’ published by Hay House, they talk about the way the ‘Law of Attraction’ works and how it brings us our vibrational match.  So if we are wanting particular qualities in a person we first need to make sure we have those qualities in ourselves.

I thoroughly recommend reading this book by the way. It holds some valuable insights I have not found in any other book I’ve read on manifestation and relationships and includes a large number of flawed premises that are at the heart of every uncomfortable relationship issue.

Here’s a quote from the book from ‘Abraham’ the name given to a group of non physical  teachers who speak through Esther.

‘In order to find what you are calling “the perfect mate” you must first be the perfect mate. In other words you must consistently emit a vibrational signal that matches the mate you desire.’

This makes a lot of sense.  We first need to work on being the kind of person that the soulmate we are wanting to draw into our lives would want to be with.  Because as Abraham has pointed out in Esther and Jerry Hicks book ‘we are vibrational beings’ and like attracts like.

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Gratitude is a key to successful manifestation

When we are grateful for even the smallest things in our lives, we get into a positive feeling space.  And if you’ve read any books on positive thinking or ‘the Law of Attraction’ you will already know that to be successful at manifesting what you want you need to actually feel you already have it.

Make a Gratitude List

Get out your favourite notebook and write down everything you are grateful to have.  Even the simplest things like fresh air to breathe, pure water to drink and nourishing food to eat. You will be amazed at how long your list will become and how happy you will begin to feel.  Then write down things you are grateful for that have not yet manifested.  All your most cherished desires.

A fragrant gift from heaven just for us to enjoy

When you shift your focus to giving silent thanks for all the things you are grateful to have in your life, and do this on a regular basis, your awareness of everything around you will become very sharp.

You may notice the fragrance of a beautiful flower that you pass every day on your walk to the train or bus but had never noticed before.

Watch a Gratitude Video

When you watch a gratitude film it is easy to get into a space of feeling good as you can see the things you already have, and would like to have right in front of you. Watch the film every day and you may be surprised at what wonderful things begin to be drawn into your life.

Raise Your Vibration to Attract What You Want

If we are feeling miserable, resentful, fearful, angry or jealous of what others have, we are not going to attract positive things into our lives.  So before going to bed write a list or just think about all the happy things that have happened in your day.  Even if you think you’ve had a bad day there will always be something positive like a beautiful sunny day or the support and love of friends. Remember to be thankful for the things you already have in your life.  Give thanks for a wonderful night’s sleep and waking up refreshed for a happy day ahead.

As soon as you wake up give thanks for all your many blessings and for the wonderful day you are about to experience.  When you do this you raise your own vibration which is like a magnet for attracting positive experiences in your life.

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The Dolphins Message to Humanity


Dolphin blowing bubbles. Photo by Tara Marvulli


A message from the dolphins channeled by Kerry Bradford who has swum with them and has a very deep dolphin connection.

“Angels of the Sea – the Dolphins message to humanity” is on Youtube.



“We are the dolphins. We speak to you now. We wish to help you. We wish to share our love with you. We wish to share our joy with you. We wish to share our wisdom with you. Look deep within your hearts. Do you want to connect with us? We are waiting for you. We love you dearly. We wish to hold you in our Light, in our love. Come and join us. Come and play with us. We love you. We are not separate from you. Let us guide you back to the Light, the Light of your heart, a Light that shines so brightly in each of you. Let us open the door to your Light. Let us shine as One. Let us be the Light that we all are. We love you always.”

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Can a Flower Help You to Attract Your Soulmate?

Flowers can heal negative emotional states

‘They cure, not by attacking the disease, but by flooding our bodies with the beautiful vibrations of our higher nature, in the presence of which disease melts away, as snow in the sunshine.’

Dr Edward Bach speaking about his 38 Bach Flower Remedies



How Flowers Can Clear Negative Emotions

Flower Essences belong to a field known as Vibrational Medicine, in other words healing with energy.

The pioneer of flower remedies was a Welsh doctor Dr Edward Bach. He was a highly respected orthodox practitioner with a successful practice in London’s famous Harley Street. Dr Bach rapidly became disillusioned with orthodox medicine and came to the conclusion that physicians were so caught up in the study of disease that the patient was completely ignored.

Bach observed that with his patients it wasn’t the disease symptom that was the problem, but the negative underlying mental or emotional condition which was underlying the dis-ease.  ‘There is no true healing unless there is a change in outlook, peace of mind and inner happiness’ Bach claimed.

Dr Bach joined the London Homeopathic Hospital in 1919. It was here that he came across the work of Samuel Hahnemann. Hahnemann was the founder of Homeopathy and Bach was deeply impressed by his famous treatise “The Organon of Rational Medicine”. Here was a respected German physician who shared his own view that one should treat the patient and not the disease.

Like Cures Like or the Law of Similars

The basic principle of Homeopathy is one of ‘like cures like’. In other words, the finding that a substance which produced disease symptoms in a healthy person will cure those same symptoms in a sick person.  It’s also been called ‘the Law of Similars’. Orthodox medicine embodies what’s known as the law of opposites, and that means if a person has diarrhoea they’re given something which has a constipating effect.

A Homeopathic remedy is prepared in a similar way to a flower essence. In other words, a substance which can be of animal, vegetable or mineral origin, is introduced to water and it is the energy imprint of that particular substance remaining stored in the water that produces the healing effect.  It was through an understanding of Homeopathic principles that Dr. Bach went on to discover his flower essences.

The Search for the Flowers that Would Heal

Bach felt that mother nature must have the perfect medicines and in 1928 he left his practice and began a search across the English countryside that took the final nine years of his life. He isolated 38 different flowers with special healing properties to treat a variety of mental and emotional conditions and these became his now famous Bach Flower Remedies.

Bach became the Guinea Pig while doing his research as each time he would find a new flower to work with, he found himself developing the actual condition that the flower remedy would be able to resolve. He then took the essence and got the over the condition.

What was so revolutionary about Dr Bach’s work was the way that he ignored the physical symptoms of disease completely choosing to only treat the underlying negative emotional or mental state of a particular person.  He found each time he did this that once the negative emotional condition had gone, that the disease went as well.

Flower essences can be made by dripping spring water through the blossoms.

How Flower Essences are Produced

Dr Bach used a method of placing flower blossoms into a bowl of spring water and leaving them in the sun for a certain period before straining the water into a brown bottle that would have some brandy in it as a preservative. This water would then be diluted down to become a dosage bottle.

Some Flower Essence Therapists make essences by simply dripping spring water through the flower blossoms and collecting the water.  Then following the Bach method for preserving the essences in dosage bottles. However before they actually make the essence, some have rituals they follow of sitting and meditating with the plant, or painting it in order to tune into its frequencies and figure out what its unique properties are for healing.

Just looking at flowers can change our mood

How Flower Essences Work

When the flower makes contact with the water its life force or energy imprint is transferred and stored in the water.

The illness appears to be healed by the way the human energy fields change when they interact with the vibration of the flower which directs the more coherent energy patterns of a particular flower into the body, instead of manipulating the cells and organs through drugs or surgery.

When a person takes a flower essence, it has the effect of re-balancing energy blockages in their system. The person then seems to feel better, mentally, emotionally and in many cases, physical problems actually disappear.

Nature Knows Best

Many ancient cultures have used plants for healing for thousands of years, often with remarkable cures. It’s ironic that every year we spend millions of dollars on treating symptoms with drugs and therapies that often leave the patient with more problems than they started with.

We are Beings of Light

Mystics throughout the ages have referred to us as beings of light. It is only now that science has begun to validate the basic premise behind this statement.  The discovery by physicists that the particles of an atom can behave as waves as well as particles has helped to give us a whole new understanding of the Universe and our relationship to it. It’s opened our eyes to the possibility that the world we have believed to be made of solid matter is also non-material, composed of energy fields, the very same energy fields we have in our bodies.

The concept of a universal field of energy is well accepted by many ancient cultures.In India, Universal Energy is known as Prana, and Yoga postures were developed to encourage a healthy flow of prana to the vital organs of the body.

If our bodies are not just sophisticated machines but complex biological mechanisms consisting of vital energy fields, then it goes a long way to explaining how a vibrational medicine, such as a flower essence could have a definite effect.

The New Pioneers of Flower Essences

Dr Bach’s 38 Flower Remedies have been used extensively and continue to be used very effectively for a whole variety of physical, mental and emotional conditions.  However a different age brings with it different requirements and this has led to the development of hundreds of new flower essences that work on many different negative emotional and mental states.   Some flower essence therapists believe that we benefit more if we take an essence from a flower that is native to our own country.

The Fears that Block our Success in Love

One of the biggest blocks to being successful at manifesting the person of our dreams is an inability to BELIEVE that this is possible for us.  And believe me, the universe knows when we are pretending.

This inability to believe in success is because of underlying negative conditioning such as a fear of abandonment or a belief that we’re not worthy of being loved. Or it could be a fear of losing independence and freedom.

Unfortunately no matter how many positive affirmations are said and how much is written down about the qualities of the person of the opposite sex, the chances of sabotaging this is considerable unless the negative underlying conditions are cleared.

How Flower Essences Can Improve Your Success at Manifesting

A good flower essence therapist can work with you to find out what underlying negative patterns you may have and then make you up a flower essence or a combination of essences that will address these issues and ultimately clear them out all together.

Flower Essences are very subtle and you may just notice that over time you have changed the way you interact with people and as a result you will begin to have more success at getting what you want.

Flower Essences Combined with Astrology

Many believe that we cannot always have what we want even if we do clear out all our negative emotional stuff because of the existence of KARMA.  And when we’re stuck with a badly aspected Saturn, or a debilitated Jupiter we can wave goodbye to any happiness in our lives.

It may be true that ‘as we sow so shall we reap’ but even if we do have some karmic debts to pay out, there is no reason why we cannot smoothe things out a little bit by the addition of flower essences combined with an understanding of any planetary aspects that may be about to boot us up the backside and block our chances of happiness.

According to Desert Alchemy ‘using flower essences in conjunction with astrology is a way of assuring that we use the energies represented by the planets in a way that empowers ourselves….’The essences can help us to be responsible for our lives and to change problems into projects or difficulties into challenges.’

I’ll leave you with these wonderful words from Dr Edward Bach

The heart of a flower

‘When at last I took the time to look into the heart of a flower, it opened up a whole new world, as if a window had been opened to let in the sun’.





Disclaimer: The information contained in this article is for educational purposes only and should not be used for diagnosis or to guide treatment without the opinion of a health professional. Any reader who is concerned about his or her health should contact a doctor for advice.










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My dolphin healing experience

Photo by Randolph Croft

I was feeling very off colour from a few weeks of constant acid reflux and was spending the afternoon with a friend who channels the healing energy of the dolphins with very good results.

In passing I mentioned to her about the problem I was having with my digestion as I ordered some peppermint tea instead of my usual weak latte.

But I quickly changed the subject as I didn’t want her to get the impression I was hinting at getting a free dolphin healing.

We spent a nice afternoon in the Sydney sunshine enjoying the fresh salt air and gorgeous torquoise colour of the ocean at Manly beach.  But I was bothered by the acid reflux as it had been going on for a bit too long, and seemed to be there even when I was really careful about what I ate and drank.

When I got home I made myself some chicken and vegetable soup.  A short time after I’d eaten I began to feel very off colour.  I had mild food poisoning like symptoms but it only lasted for about an hour.  Then the most extraordinary thing happened.  I suddenly had no more acid reflux.  It was there one minute and completely gone the next.

The next day I fully expected to wake up with the same problem but no sign of it and I seemed to be able to eat all kinds of things without any discomfort at all.

I emailed my friend and explained what had happened to me and asked if she had done some distant and secret healing work on me.  She explained that she tuned into the dolphins when she got home and received a message from them that they knew I wanted to do interviews with people who had experienced a dolphin healing of some kind, and they wanted to give me my own personal experience of how effective their healing could be.

The problem has not come back and it’s now about three weeks since I had this healing. I am very impressed and since organised for a family member to have a dolphin healing and provided they agree I will report the amazing experience they had shortly.

Listen to my dolphin healing experience on a podcast

If you are experiencing health problems of any kind you should seek the advice of a professional medical practitioner.


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Can Colours Heal our Emotions?

We are drawn to absorb particular colours because they have properties that can heal us

Sometimes we just want to be still and absorb a particular colour

Have you ever been strongly drawn to a particular colour and you’ve no idea why? Perhaps you’ve felt the need to just sit quietly by the ocean to take in the beautiful torquoise blue.

Or may be you’ve been drawn to relax in some green grass under a shady tree and drink in the refreshing new spring green colour of the foliage.

And was there ever a day when you felt utterly exhausted and on impulse bought something bright red to wear? You may not have consciously decided that these colours would help to improve your mood or to heal you in some other way, but may be you noticed that you felt a whole lot better afterwards.

The Colours in Nature

Colour has been used for centuries to balance the mind, body and emotions.  The colours we choose to wear and have around us in the home convey a subtle message to everyone we meet about the kind of person we are. We instinctively know that someone who loves to wear bright red, is likely to be an extrovert.  Or a person who is crazy about purple is into spirituality.

Think of nature’s colour choice in painting our world. The soothing and healing green of the grass and the forests.  The peaceful blue of the ocean.  The cheerful yellow of the sun.  And how hard would it to remain angry if you were gazing at the delicate pink and soft violet shades of a magnificent sunrise or all the colours in a rainbow.

Our moods and feelings can be greatly uplifted by the colours we see in nature.

Mankind has been drawing on these properties inherent in particular colours for centuries to inspire and to stimulate certain emotional responses in people.

Think of how fashion designers use colour to persuade us to buy a particular garment. Or how manufacturers suck us into buying their products by the colours they’ve chosen in the packaging.

When we buy a painting, a piece of jewelery or an ornament, colour would have played a huge part in what we chose.  Some people have even been known to buy a house because they liked the colour on the walls.

What is Colour?

When light is broken into wave lengths it forms different colours that each vibrate at their own level.  Black is the result of all colours together where nothing is reflected back. And white results when all colours are reflected back. Each colour vibrates at either a high or low level leaving us feeling cool or warm. Colours can make us feel energised, calm, peaceful, passionate, spiritual, intellectually stimulated, happy or balanced depending on the colour.

The Colours in our Bodies

According to Eastern philosophy our bodies have seven crucial wheels of energy known as Chakras that are at strategic points from the base of our spine to the top of our head and that govern all our organs. These chakras work together independently but also as one system.  Each Chakra is a particular colour reflecting the area it governs.

How Colour is Used in Healing

I’m only covering the primary colours here but every colour has its own unique properties that can help to bring about a balance in our mind, body and emotions.  Exploring what these properties are can be magical as it begins to dawn on us the deeper reasons why we may have chosen that soft green for our bedroom walls, or a bright red for the kitchen.

There are many different ways to work with colours. We can breathe in or visualise certain colours in meditation. We can work with special coloured lights. We can select our own personal two coloured Equilibrium Balance bottle from 105 different coloured bottles as in Aura Soma. We can choose to wear certain colours and paint the walls of our homes in such a way that it will bring about a greater sense of well being and a balance in our bodies. We can even choose to eat foods of particular colours at certain times of the day to improve our digestion.

Colours can be used to calm us down, provide more energy, stimulate our senses, regenerate our organs and cells, improve our appetite and love life,  even open us to a deeper desire for spiritual growth, or to a more positive and joyous frame of mind.

And the right choice of colour can assist us in clearing negative emotional states such as fear, hate, jealousy, anger or grief.

The Properties of the Primary Colours

We may choose a particular colour because subconsciously we know what’s good for us.  But if we begin to understand that every colour has its own unique vibration that can help us in different ways, we have an even greater chance of surrounding ourselves in colours that will provide the maximum benefit for healing our mind, body and emotions.

A Red rose for love and passion


RED is a warm energising and revitalising colour.  It’s interesting that it’s the colour nature chose for our blood.

Red is also about assertiveness, courage, leadership, determination and confidence. You’ll often see extroverts wearing something red.


It is also associated with passion which is an emotion full of energy. What woman doesn’t want to receive a red rose or a heart shaped chocolate wrapped in red paper on Valentine’s day?

Red is also known to improve appetite.  The next time you go to a flash restaurant, have a look around at how much red is in the room.  You may find the napkins are also red for a very good reason. Red can be useful when we are exhausted, or worried and it can help to raise blood pressure and improve blood circulation.

Orange helps to stimulate the mind


ORANGE is a warm colour and can stimulate mental and physical energy. It is a happy colour so can uplift the senses and is also a colour chosen by extroverts.

It helps with mental expansion, enthusiasm, independence, creativity and open mindedness and can help to balance the mind, body and emotions.

Orange can also be helpful if you are suffering from bronchitis or asthma or kidney problems.  It may also be useful for spasms and cramps in the muscles.

Yellow for joy

The colour yellow is cheerful and promotes a feeling of joy and contentment


YELLOW is a lively, warm and stimulating colour that improves your confidence, good humour and mind.  It promotes a feeling of optimism, happiness and positivity and improves communication and expression.

Just think about how much joy we feel when we can see the sun. Yellow may help with conditions of depression and anxiety, stomach troubles, constipation and for skin and liver problems.



The colour green is refreshing and calming for the mind, body and emotions.

The colour green refreshes and calms the mind, body and emotions

GREEN is a balancing, harmonising and healing colour.  Think how much green there is in nature, and when we’re surrounded by it we feel relaxed and refreshed.

Green is soothing and calming to the body, mind and emotions. It helps to bring about a more patient disposition and a sense of orderliness.

This colour is also about self love and nurture of the self.  Green may be helpful for high blood pressure, insomnia, muscle tension and disorders of the nervous system. It can also help with feelings of jealousy and indifference.

BLUE is about communication, inner peace and tranquility and a feeling of relaxation. Perhaps this is one reason why we are so drawn to be by the ocean because its colour makes us feel so good.

Blue calms the nerves and the mind and helps us to feel more at peace with our world.  It can also help us to grow spiritually by assisting us to understand ourselves better and become more of a seeker of the truth.  Blue is uplifting on a spiritual level and helps one to expand and evolve further into self-understanding and development.

Blue will calm the emotions and invoke a feeling of peace and tranquillity

Blue is a colour that promotes a feeling of inner peace and calm.


Blue may be useful for nausea, sore eyes, earaches, infections and inflammations,  and even for a sore throat. And it helps with speech and self expression, and helps us to have a sense of purpose.



INDIGO stimulates love, beauty, harmony, balance, intuition and understanding of ourselves.  It can help to dissolve frustrations, inhibitions and fears and assist us to be more loving in order to grow more in a spiritual direction.

The use of colours in healing the mind, body and emotions.

Violet is a colour that can promote a greater interest in spiritual development.


VIOLET encourages us to become seekers about why we are here and is about perfection and ideals and spiritual goals.  If we surround ourselves with this colour we may begin to feel the need to learn about the forces that are influencing our lives and our circumstances.

Colours for Healing Negative Emotions

Colour can be used in a variety of ways to improve the health of our mind, body and emotions.  When used correctly colour can definitely help to clear negative emotional states.

Each colour has a set of both positive and negative attributes so it’s important to have a good understanding of the vibrational properties of the colours and to choose wisely. If you’re not sure about this it’s always best to consult a professional colour therapist who can work with you to determine what would benefit you the most.

One way that colour may improve your overall health and well being is to meditate with particular colours.

Choosing Colours For Your Home

The best way to plan out a colour scheme in the home is to think about the purpose of each room and whether the colour you are considering is an energising warm colour such as red, orange and yellow, or a cooling calming colour such as blue, green or violet. It makes sense that warm energising colours would be better in a kitchen, a playroom or bathroom, than in a bedroom where they could interfere with your ability to drift off to sleep easily. Whereas a soft green, blue or violet would be better in the bedroom or your main living space where you want to feel calm and relaxed.

Colour and Nutrition

If you begin to think about colour and its effect on your energy levels, you will also get a good idea of what foods may be most beneficial for you.

Again think of reds, yellows and orange coloured foods for increasing vitality and energy, and stimulating the intellect, and green, blue and violet foods for relaxing and calming you down.

Finding a Colour Therapist Near You

There are many different ways to work with colours and every Colour Therapist will have their own way they like to work with the colours.  Sdifferent therapists choose different so by visiting a qualified Colour Therapist you will be able to decide  only way you can be really sure you are choosing the very best colours to work with is to go and see a qualified professional Colour Therapist.  They can also give you a variety of options on how to work with the colours and monitor your progress.

Click here if you’re in Australia for a Colour Therapist closest to where you live. For the rest of the world click here.

The Healing Sounds of Colour

It may not be possible for us to audibly perceive the sounds that colours produce, but each colour does have it’s own unique sound property that can be measured and the sound that emanates has it’s own unique ability to heal. The energy wheels in our bodies known as Chakras can get out of balance and this can result in minor, or in some cases even major health problems.  There are certain sounds that can re-balance these colourful chakras. Click here to learn more about this. Check out this video called The Healing Sounds of Colour. Here’s another interesting video called Sacred Sound Alchemy for DNA Repair and Healing. And a video on awakening intuition.


I am surrounding myself in colours that perfectly balance my mind, body and emotions.


The information contained here is for educational purposes only and should not be used for diagnosis or to guide treatment without the opinion of a health professional. Anyone reading this who is concerned about his or her health should contact a doctor for advice.


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Dolphin Healing

Dolphin Healing

Photo by Randolph Croft

Dolphins are highly intelligent, playful and curious creatures that love to connect with humans and when they do,  they seem to be saying ‘Hey come and play with us. Life is so much fun.’

When you gaze into the face of a dolphin what you see is total joy and unconditional love. It seems they are calling on us to explore our own potential for leading happy and joyful lives, and perhaps to gain a deeper understanding of the energetic connection we have to all beings and all creatures.

When people swim with dolphins and whales many go home determined to change their lifestyle in such a way that they are more closely aligned to the beautiful dolphin vibrations they have experienced.  It has been said that as we learn to merge our individual energy fields and atomic structure with the vocal frequencies of the dolphin and whale sounds and sonar, we will reach our full potential and master new aspects of human consciousness and life intensity that we never could have believed was possible.

Dolphins in Greek Legends

Dolphins have a special connection with human beings. Photo by Sheba_Also

According to Greek mythology dolphins were sacred to both Aphrodite and Apollo. They often appeared as helpers of humankind and many seals and coins show a man or boy riding a dolphin.

There is a Greek legend of a dolphin that rescued the poet Arion from drowning, carrying him safely to land at CapeTaenarum. This is now Cape Matapan, a promontory forming the southernmost point of the Peloponnesus. There is a statue that shows Arion riding the dolphin. (Herodotus I.23; Thucydides I.128, 133; Pausanias iii.25, 4)

Phalanthus was another legendary character brought safely to shore (in Italy) on the back of a dolphin, according to Pausanias.

How Dolphins Communicate

Photo by Kat Hall


According to Dolphin Research Australia Dolphins appear to communicate by a variety of clicks and whistles.  It seems that they use the clicking sound as a way to locate food.  When they emit this sound it bounces off objects returning an echo to the dolphin who then has a way to find the location of the food source.  This process has been called ‘echolocation’.

The Shark Bay Dolphin Project research that was done on wild dolphins at Monkey Mia on the west coast of Australia has shown: ‘The different kinds of sounds they make have specific purposes, for instance clicks for echolocation and whistles for communication. It has been shown that dolphins can detect objects by echolocation at ranges way beyond 100 meters.’

Can Dolphins Heal Us?

A healing hug from 'Buck' the dolphin at Coffs Harbour. Photo © Scott Taylor and Amanda Hain - Cetacean Studies Institute 2008


Some researchers have claimed that dolphins are able to see through physical stuff with their sonar in the mode of an x ray. This may be how they have been able to understand if a person needs healing of some part of the body and to use their sound waves to strategically bring about a healing where it is needed.

It is thought that the sounds dolphins emit are so intense that they can actually cause “cavitations” in other words holes in the molecular structure of soft tissues and fluids.  This may explain how human cells and tissues sometimes show a change after a person has swum with a dolphin.

The Henry Spink Foundation had this to say about studies done on children with Down’s Syndrome after they swam with dolphins ‘Samples of blood were analysed before and after the therapy, results showed that after swimming with dolphins there is a change of hormones, endorphins and enzymes as well as T-cells, how this is possible is still not well understood.’

Dolphin Therapy

Some studies have shown that dolphins have been able to help with some neurological disorders, autism, Down’s syndrome, global developmental delay, ADHD, pain relief for spinal injuries, muscular paralysis, and depression.

You can read more about the healing power of dolphins by clicking here.

Where Can I Swim with Dolphins?

There are many places that do dolphin swims in the world.

If you are in Australia you can swim with dolphins in the wild completely free at Monkey Mia north of Perth in Western Australia.  Or if you are on the East coast there are many places that have organised dolphin swims.  At Nelson Bay in Port Stephens there are a pod of bottlenosed dolphins that live in the bay.  Imagine Cruises do whale and dolphin boat trips and organised dolphin swims with wild dolphins in the sea.

You can swim with dolphins in the wild in Victoria’s Mornington Peninsular with Red Balloon.

Seaworld at Coffs Harbour does not presently have organised dolphin swims that includes sessions for healing, but you can get close up to their very friendly dolphins and possibly be able to get into the pool with them for a brief encounter.

If you are in Florida in the U.S. there are a variety of dolphin swims and dolphin therapy sessions at Dolphins Cove.  You can choose from many different types of swims, both in the wild and in their own lagoon, and even very young children can have a dolphin experience in the shallow pool.

Dolphin Videos

My film A Cry From the Ocean was made to hopefully raise awareness as to why it is so important that we cherish the whales and dolphins that we are so blessed to have on our planet.

Here is a beautiful dolphin healing video that you can watch for a dolphin healing if you cannot do the real thing.

This is a video where you can hear the intriguing sounds that dolphins make.


Podcast interviews and articles about people who have experienced a dolphin healing.

Let's go for a surf. Photo by Kat Hall


Stay Tuned.

In dolphin love and light.









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What’s it all about?

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Have you ever felt anger, jealousy, fear, hate, or grief? I hope so because if not you are probably some kind of strange being from another planet and you won’t get what this blog is about at all!

We call these negative emotions because they don’t serve us at all in getting what we want in life.  In fact if you’ve ever read a book about the ‘Law of Attraction’ or any book on positive thinking, you probably will have tried thinking and saying some positive affirmations.  Maybe you’ve even left them on little post it notes all over the house.

You may also have gleened from these many books that we cannot manifest a single positive thing if we don’t BELIEVE that we deserve these things.

And therein lies the tricky bit.

How to genuinely believe that you are worthy of having what you want, when you don’t believe it at all.  We can pretend, but it doesn’t always work that well.

The unfortunate truth is that we have to work on permanently shifting any underlying negative emotional patterns we may have, before we will be able to attract our most cherished dreams and desires.

You can affirm that you are now in your ideal soulmate relationship, but if you don’t believe you’re worthy of being loved, from past experiences you may have had, your soul mate relationship will continue to elude you.

So how do we shift these negative feelings and emotions that are blocking us from getting what we want?

In this blog I’m going to share with you some of the things that have helped me.  Not that I’m living in a state of eternal bliss quite yet, but I do feel I’m moving in the right direction.

So stay tuned.

Since I’ve just started the blog I am on a steep technical learning curve, so bear with me.  But there will be lots of interesting videos, dvd’s, podcasts and articles to help you on your journey of manifesting happy and healthy emotions so you will become a much more powerful manifestor of great things for yourself and for the world.

Hope to see you soon.


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