How to really FEEL that what you desire is coming

Have you been reading inspirational books that say to get what you want in life all you have to do is to believe and to FEEL that it is coming to you?

Well this may be true but for most of us it’s not that easy to have, or to maintain a feeling of excitement and expectation that what we have asked for is now speedily heading in our direction. Which is no doubt why it’s only a small number of people that manage to manifest their most cherished desires easily and effortlessly.

Successful Manifesting is an Emotional Path

It’s ironic that for most of us focusing on what we don’t want seems to be something we have all become rather good at.  We only have to look at what we didn’t want that we have so successfully manifested into our lives, to realize that we do get what we put our attention on most of the time.

If  we could easily feel good about what we want and believe without a shadow of a doubt that it is coming to us, then we would all be celebrating wonderfully happy lives. But when we put out a request to the universe for our most cherished desires and our strongest feeling is one of doubt how do we turn this around so that the predominant feeling is one of excitement and expectation so that we do get what we really want with ease and grace?

Even saying affirmations every day is not going to change things if when you are saying the affirmation you are not really believing what you are saying and as a result you are not feeling good as you say it.

Meditation Can Help

Meditation can help us to stay positive

Meditation can help us to stay positive


Meditation is one way to help us stay in a positive frame of mind. Transcendental Meditation is a very effective form of meditation. It doesn’t  require you to have any particular religious beliefs and it is very easy to do.



Flowers to the rescue

Flower Essences can also help to push away the negative feelings and get us into more of an excited feeling of expectation.

I recently came across ‘Tribe of the Tree’ flower essences that have a lovely range of essences you can take to get rid of old negative patterns of behaviour, that could be blocking you from getting what you want.

They have a wonderful mission statement on their brochure that reads:
“Our mission is to help you reclaim the profound happiness connection with source, and reverence for nature that is, and always has been yours for the taking.”

I love the names they have given to their range of flower essences: Some of them are: Go With The Flow: inviting you to stop resisting change and trust more in the universe. Up, Up & Away: reminding you to love and approve of yourself, and Baggage Buster: for gently and easily releasing some of your old stuff and welcoming in a breath of fresh air.

Manifestation Mojo is one of my favourites.

It is made from the Coral Fern (pictured left) and will help you to tap into the Law of Attraction inspiring you to become clear about what you really want, set your intention, and get ready to welcome it or something better into your life.

These are just some of the wonderful essences in their range. You can check the entire range out here.

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