Gratitude is a key to successful manifestation

When we are grateful for even the smallest things in our lives, we get into a positive feeling space.  And if you’ve read any books on positive thinking or ‘the Law of Attraction’ you will already know that to be successful at manifesting what you want you need to actually feel you already have it.

Make a Gratitude List

Get out your favourite notebook and write down everything you are grateful to have.  Even the simplest things like fresh air to breathe, pure water to drink and nourishing food to eat. You will be amazed at how long your list will become and how happy you will begin to feel.  Then write down things you are grateful for that have not yet manifested.  All your most cherished desires.

A fragrant gift from heaven just for us to enjoy

When you shift your focus to giving silent thanks for all the things you are grateful to have in your life, and do this on a regular basis, your awareness of everything around you will become very sharp.

You may notice the fragrance of a beautiful flower that you pass every day on your walk to the train or bus but had never noticed before.

Watch a Gratitude Video

When you watch a gratitude film it is easy to get into a space of feeling good as you can see the things you already have, and would like to have right in front of you. Watch the film every day and you may be surprised at what wonderful things begin to be drawn into your life.

Raise Your Vibration to Attract What You Want

If we are feeling miserable, resentful, fearful, angry or jealous of what others have, we are not going to attract positive things into our lives.  So before going to bed write a list or just think about all the happy things that have happened in your day.  Even if you think you’ve had a bad day there will always be something positive like a beautiful sunny day or the support and love of friends. Remember to be thankful for the things you already have in your life.  Give thanks for a wonderful night’s sleep and waking up refreshed for a happy day ahead.

As soon as you wake up give thanks for all your many blessings and for the wonderful day you are about to experience.  When you do this you raise your own vibration which is like a magnet for attracting positive experiences in your life.

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